Celebrating February

Blocks that spell love

Feb 02, 2018

9 Things To Celebrate in February Other Than Valentine’s Day

Although the shortest month of the year, February is filled with many celebrations and activities. While Valentine’s Day may be the most popular day of the month, there is plenty more to celebrate!

  1. February 2nd – Groundhog Day – Celebrate by watching Bill Murray in the now classic 1993 movie, “Groundhog Day”. Feel free to watch it over, and over, and over…
  2. February 4th – One of The Biggest Days in Sports – Whether you plan on watching the big game or just the commercials. This Sunday is a great time to enjoy the company of friends and family and great food!
  3. February 9th – National Pizza Day – Celebrate by hosting your own Pizza Making Party! Check out https://www.thekitchn.com/pizza-party-its-like-chuckeche-84772 for tips on how to throw your own pizza party!
  4. February 11th – Make a Friend Day – Whether it’s a lifelong connection or just a brief interaction, go out of your way to introduce yourself to someone new today.
  5. February 13th – Mardi Gras – Also known as Fat Tuesday, celebrate by creating some traditional Mardi Gras themed meals. You can check out some recipes at http://www.delish.com/entertaining/g2166/mardi-gras-food-recipes/ !
  6. February 17th – Random Acts of Kindness Day – Whether small or large, known or unknown, random acts of kindness can go a long way. Go out of your way today to be extra kind to others.
  7. February 19th – President’s Day – Also a holiday from classes as well, this day allows for some 3-day weekend fun!
  8. February 20th – Love Your Pet Day – We know you love your pet every day, but share the love by posting your favorite photo of your pet with the property’s hashtag.
  9. February 24th – National Tortilla Chip Day – What better way to celebrate than with a large plate of nachos!

Don’t forget about the month long celebrations that also take place in February!

Black History Month is celebrated in February and many networks have an array of interesting and educational programs all month long! Check out http://www.pbs.org/black-culture/explore/black-history-month-facts-and-films/#.WnNDjK6nHIU for PBS lineup.

As always, be sure to follow us on social media for more information regarding resident and community events!